Toivomme runsasta osanottoa myös Geologiliiton jäsenistöstä!
The European Federation of Geologists will be chairing a workshop during the virtual event ”Responding to the climate crisis – taking action on the IPCC 6th Assessment Report” organised by the Grantham institute on 17 September from 11:00-13:30 CEST.
The title of this workshop will be:
Earth Sapience: How can Earth Scientists work together to address the Climate Crisis?
The workshop will be chaired by Executive Director Glen Burridge and the panel will bring together environmental geologists, climatologists and three EFG representatives:
– Isabel Fernandez Fuentes, CROWDTHERMAL project coordinator
– Pavlos Tyrologou, External Relations Officer and Coordinator of the Panel of Experts on Natural Hazards
– Magnus Johansson, Member of the Panel of Experts on Mineral Resources (tbc)
We invite all of you to attend this free event and share the information within your network.
Registration is possible at: